Is AFib a disability?
When your atrial fibrillation condition gets severe, it results in your working productivity and performance. The atrial fibrillation is a common heart condition that causes heart palpitation and occasional chest pain. In certain cases, it might cause absolutely no symptoms. But only when the causes are serious, the patient possibly gets qualified for social security disability benefits.
When AFib limits an individual’s working potential and restricts them from working, the individuals can claim for SSD benefits. In severe conditions, it can result in causing intense pain, complete blackouts, or even dizziness.
These symptoms would regularly hinder someone’s ability to function. The social security rule book, i.e., the blue book, defines severe conditions of AFib as a disability. You can surely appeal for the atrial fibrillation disability benefits in case of harsh conditions.
Having diagnosed with severe conditions of atrial fibrillation might be a very daunting phase of your life. If you have faced denial for your claim, a lawyer can be the best professional to help you win the case. Learn the other ways of getting qualified for the SSD benefits with atrial fibrillation.
Can I get disability for AFib?
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. Hence, it is common for individuals with AFib for developing the other heart and body disorders. This happens because of the stress caused by the heart condition.
For instance, people with serious symptoms of AFib are prone to strokes and heart attacks. In case you experience complications. you can appeal for the SSD benefits. You can do so by giving a reference to the symptoms that might cause you and result in a stroke.
For the times when the AFib doesn’t meet Blue Book listings and still prevents from earning a living, you can get qualified for the benefits under MVA or Medical Vocational Allowance. In order to receive the MVA, it is imperative to demonstrate conditions. It is essential to prevent and take precautions so that it does not return.
The one who worked the whole life in the construction industry and has severe AFib might be unable to return safely to work because of the condition. They still cannot work for their earn wages, even if their condition does not meet the Blue Book definition.
That’s how they can get qualified for the benefits. Appealing for the atrial fibrillation disability benefits is not a matter of joke. You have to follow some steps which a lawyer will guide you through.
As already described above, the SSA follows a blue book. SSA first looks at the candidate and compare the disorder in the individual’s body. Every section has been broken into the listings. This will describe definite symptoms that a patient will exhibit in order to get qualified for the benefits.
Evidence required for Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis:
Make sure that the physician you are consulting is taking notes of all the symptoms. Even minor symptoms like episodes of fainting (syncopes) should not be missed. These incidents should be properly documented as they relate to your AFib. If you want to get VA disability for AFib, you can talk to an attorney to know your chance to receive benefits.
Evidence includes;
- Onset date of your atrial fibrillation
- Documentation of previous cardiac arrest or related issues
- Documentation of instances that precipitated applicant’s entry into the abnormal rhythm
- Report of physical examination
- At least 3months’ clinical record related to your cardiac issues
In the blue book, AFib has been covered under section 4.05 ‘Cardiovascular Disorders.’ It states that the candidates will qualify if and when they experience these conditions:
- The applicant must not come with a symptom of some reversible cause or treatable disorders
- The condition should contribute to the health of the individuals with uncontrolled and recurring episodes of passing out (or syncope) or even near-syncope (nearly passing out) because of the heart irregularities
- The condition does not respond to the definite treatment by medical professionals
- It is never documented via electrocardiography
Nonetheless, it gets really challenging even for SSA to identify whether the person qualifies for the AFib disability benefits. Given that; identifying the condition at a glance is not possible all the time.
You can have a talk with your medical consultant regarding the health and submit a potential medical document to the office. Additionally, competent assistance from a legal consultant will be of paramount importance. Given below are the ways how an SSD attorney can highlight your case as a disability one.
How can an attorney help in getting AFib disability benefits?
When it comes to applying for the disability, or VA disability rating for atrial fibrillation, the lawyer can provide extended help. You can consider seeking legal aids from an attorney in this case. The lawyer will do all the necessities – from handling legal documents to working on behalf of you during the hearings. So, you can hire a reputed lawyer to receive AFib disability benefits from Berke Law Firm, P.A., without a doubt in mind.